Thousands of new books are published each year on helping people relieve stress, how to work less and spend more time with family, and how to create a balanced healthy lifestyle. In my opinion the only permanent way to solve this problem is by investing and getting your money working for you passively. The two best vehicles to do this are through real estate and dividend paying stocks. It’s really the entire premise behind my new book “ Along for the Ride”. The book is a step by step guide on how I reached my crossover point at a young age. The crossover point is when the income you are earning passively from your real estate and stock portfolio is enough to cover all your annual living expenses…thus allowing you to stop working if so choose.
Creating financial independence and not depending on a pay check every 2 weeks is an incredibly liberating experience. However, there is no quick fix to achieving it. Instead it takes a long term systematic approach over several decades. Like many things in life the sooner you start the easier it becomes.